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Help this along

Help bring more Paradise to your neighbourhood


The QHP team is running on volunteer energy and civic enthusiasm, and we're keen to keep it dominantly that way. But a bit of putea goes a long way! We're keen to enable people in communities to make these conversations their own, for example by funding high-school kids to do video interviews of people's neighbourhood aspirations. Please drop us a line below for information on donating.
Donation info

Talk with your friends, neighbours, collaborators...

Float the idea of the quarter-hour paradise, show the visuals, and start a discussion! Whether they're happening at a kitchen table, at a playgroup, or in the rugby clubrooms, the quarter-hour paradise ideas will catch everyone's imaginations. If you like, the QHP team has resources to help those conversations happen in a way that's curious, civilised and convivial. Drop us a line here with where you're at, and we'll get in touch
Help my kōrero

Lend a hand

We'd love to have you! There's all sorts of fun stuff happening that you could help with, both anonymously / behind the scenes, and visible for yourself. Even a little bit of help goes a really long way, and we make sure volunteering with QHP is a really good experience for everyone. Hit the button to see some info, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Volunteering info

Youth civics

LIke many others, we really want to see young people building and using their civic muscles, creating power and using it for good change in their neighbourhoods. If this sort of kaupapa lights you up, or you have recommendations, please get in touch below.
Youth civics YES

Formal channels

The formal channels – like making a submission, or doing a presentation to official leaders – are a key part of getting change in our neighbourhoods. We're always eager to hear from folk familiar with processes for policy, planning, investment, (re)development and public engagement in the physical fabric of towns and cities. Please get in touch!
I'll help with formal stuff

Hook us up, tip us off

Good-looking visuals are only the first step, and these need local conversations and endorsement of the kaupapa for people to take them seriously. The philosophy of fairer, more sustainable and more fun neighbourhoods is really broad, and all sorts of magnificent mahi is underway in local communities that could be supercharged by quarter-hour paradise. Let us know who's doing good stuff in your neighbourhood and who's leading local thinking!

Your ideas!

You'll have some smart ideas about how to cultivate a great community conversation in your 'hood about good neighbourhood change. We're keen to hear them! Drop us a line...
I have ideas