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Who we are

Quarter Hour Paradise is a bunch of urban enthusiasts who’re frustrated by our towns and cities not serving New Zealanders the way they should, and who’re excited about the future of
more people able to live great lives in great neighbourhoods.

Behind the scenes are Oliver Bruce and Isabella Cawthorn, of Wellington Urbanerds


"I'm excited about movements disrupting the unsustainable status quo and creating change that builds on itself. The quarter-hour paradise is going to help NZ grow ourselves awesome towns and cities. Hell yeah!"


"Regular people are amazing agents of good change, and our towns and cities need that. The quarter-hour paradise will help unleash our collective imaginations and fuel people's local changemaking – it's gonna be amazing!"

The visuals

The moving images are the work of architects Alice Reade and Wirangi Parata, to specifications provided by a pool of specialists behind the scenes.  The visuals were created using a combination of Alice’s hand drawing and Wirangi’s photoshop skills. 

Alice is also working on a range of exciting urban projects with Studio Tēpu.  See more of her work on Twitter, and on Facebook.   


Wirangi is also working on other exciting projects. See more of his work here and here.



The specifications

Each visual’s specifications were provided by a pool of experts who worked for hundreds of hours pro bono.
They provided insight from their specialisms in:

The outreach

Our outreach campaign was designed and is being delivered by a lot of people who are giving their time because they’re excited about a quarter-hour paradise and making our towns better places to live. 

We’re early days and we’ve already figuring out how to acknowledge such a big crowd!

A few superstars:

  • brand identity and social media presence – thankyou, Elise Cautley
  • framing and common cause advice: thankyou Jolisa Gracewood (special thanks for naming the whole idea!)
  • communication planning, design and advice – thankyou Julia Anderson
  • website design and building support – thankyou Matt Lane.